A word that originated In San Francisco, CA along with The Summer of love/ Entire hippy movement as well. It really just can be anything positive if you like it, it's groovy
I wish I lived in Northern California back when it had nothing but hippies, hipsters, and cannabis. So groovy man.
by 559 to 916 February 9, 2014
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When something is groovy.
My hand is a chainsaw. That is pretty groovy.
by Person Guy221 March 9, 2019
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A word that should be used when applying a chainsaw to one of your severed hands, with an overuse of cheesy shots and metal clashing sounds.......EVIL DEAD II DEAD BY DAWN
*SCHWINGGG!* *CHANGG* CHHRONGGGGGG!!!*........"groovy ;)"
by Damion May 28, 2004
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Hudihudi naegen swimteo gatji, boogie, boogie
Ieopon kkopgo, dance groovy, groovy

To dance groovy groovy and boogie boogie in a hoodie with Hyunjin from Stray Kids.

Or, a lyric from the song Mixtape Five by Stray Kids.
by Purple_Tea_Kitty December 17, 2020
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Colloquialism of a generation that grew up in the 1960's. It could be considered an early version of "Steep".

Basically means very very cool, or excellent
Dude 1. "Dude, I just scored me some buds"

Dude 2. "Groovy, I'll call over later with my copy of Dark Side Of The Moon!"
by Lee Owens December 1, 2004
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A feeling of joy or hapiness in discovering something new
You can eat pickles with milk? Groovy!
by Bungalow Bill October 18, 2001
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A superlative term (commonly used during the mid to late 1960s) that defines anything that is awesome.
Words of the same era that hold a similar meaning are: bitchin', boss, cool, far-out & out-of-sight.
"... wouldn't you agree, baby you and me, we've got a groovy kind of love..." The Mindbenders (1965)
by iam1butterfly January 27, 2014
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