"Ohh he's so cute and flumpy and fun"
by paula ad September 20, 2009
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when you have a semi erction, enough to be noticed and embarassing, but no use to anybody
by Anonymous September 23, 2003
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The act of getting a blow job on the toilet, while taking a crap.

blow job crap shit sex toilet
You won't believe the flumpy dumpy I got earlier!
by greg123250 February 16, 2016
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Dude you know that girl? Yeah the nasty one. She gave me a flumpy last night!
by evilmonkey775 October 5, 2009
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A very large imposing creature who's hobby is that of apprehension (typically with a trainee Flumpy Bunny).

They are usually found in Western Russia, as well as Ukraine, Kazahkstan as well as other countries where prostitution is legal.
Guy 1: Hey lads, wanna go for a walk and get a burger.

Guys: Urrrrrrrm.... NO!

Guy 1: Why not?

Guys: Word on the streets is that the Flumpy Bunny is back in town. We better watch out.

Guy 1: Oh sorry, looks like I was on the verge of aprehension.
by Dr. von Ligensteiner May 19, 2011
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