The result of a poorly designed beverage container dripping liquid while drinking.
- Hey, man, did you wet your pants?
- No. The retarded Barista at Starbucks put the top on backwards and I got a drippy.
by Insolent Rock May 3, 2006
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Drippy describes someone who lacks common sense, who is slow to get a joke, or slow to grasp a concept,

Other words that have similar meanings to drippy:

Thick, Blonde, Dopey, Slow,
"God that girl Jess is so drippy"
by Skath March 2, 2007
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A little stuffed animal creature that lures little boys to far off worlds
I can’t find my son

Drippy has him
by Edulitoh Stan December 20, 2020
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Something you say randomly in the middle of class. Actually I don't know what it means. That's why I looked it up on here, nigga, the fuck?
by Dontbeaskeen May 20, 2017
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Possibly, and most "likely," the drippiest person on earth, Also known previously as, "Big John," "Drippy Licky Sticky Thicky Grippy John." He's probably one of the, and most definitely, the nicest person on the planet. Visit our website, , , , Copyright 2022, All rights reserved to "Drippy John."
"Have you ever met Drippy John?"
"No, who's that?"
"Wow you're a fucking loser if you haven't met Drippy Grippy John."
by Sat_rday September 9, 2022
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