A Flow Disrupter is someone or something that disrupts the natural flow of things.
Chris a became a flow disrupter when he walked in on me while i was fucking my girlfriend.
by Merces Letifer July 30, 2006
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The new phrase for Climate Change:

After the massive carbon creating climate meetings at Copenhagen failed this phrase was to be the new name of Climate Change, which just a year prior was known as Global Warming, which 35 years ago was known as Global Cooling.

On the official website for Climate Disruption they explain that it's now a more "accurate" term than Climate Change and Global Warming, which are now believed to be bullshit by the general public.
Ignorant Greenie: Ohhh noes, a Hurricane, Florida is suffering from severe Global Climate Disruption!!!

Me: It's called Hurricane Season and has been happening for thousands of years.
by thetrapper December 28, 2011
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When emotions are passed among countless others through means of social media; Facebook, Twitter, Pintrist, ex..
Man, the local bernicrats are hosting an event in the city. Maybe we should join

The vast majority of politician pollute the truth causing a Socially Transmitted Disruption.
by Maple Pie February 26, 2017
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when the insides of your anus tear out and find themselves someplace else, anywhere other than where they should be.
John: Aw man, I'm having trouble with this anal disruption syndrome...
Mark: Your what?!
John: *tears his fucking anus in half*
by thetrueboi June 7, 2018
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A currently trending phrase thrown around in the business community, particularly the technology sector. Intended to refer to the ability to manage change in a positive way, it instead comes off douchey and pretentious.
Billy-Bob was the kind of manager who embraced positive disruptions at his workplace.
by raistlinsghost June 26, 2019
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Someone or Something that disrupts one's ability to think clearly.
"Talking bout thought disrupters, how about the overbearing presence of the media here today huh."

"Those Jack hammers are real thought disrupters."

"The flashbacks that I have been getting from past trauma might be responsible for most of my thought disruptions."

"She scolded me before I even knew what I did wrong. A major thought disrupter despite my attempts to think things through."

"The attorney hit me hard and fast, he was a real thought disrupter, causing me to speak before I had the time to really reflect on the truth."
by Mr H20 August 20, 2022
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To break rules but pretend that the behavior is for a better cause.
The young demonstrators will disrupt the political meeting to bring attention to 'free speach.'
by Altruist333 December 17, 2021
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