to place oneself in extreme circumstances to complete a ridicolously loose task
masslad1- im going to commit the bilshwang while riding my tricycle backwards down the hill while balancing on my head

masslad2- woooow looooose i cant beleive u are going to commit that

by looose August 14, 2008
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Used to show ones anger towards another person(s)
References "Go Commit Suicide"

Can also be used with the word "Go" as in "Go Commit"
Sam: "Hey Jake, wanna chill?"
Jake: "Sorry I can't. Im going to the game and i already gave my extra ticket away."
Sam: "Commit, you bastard."
by selkewelke February 6, 2009
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Popular early 90s movie about a group of people from Dublin who start a band and experience some relief from their mundane and sometimes dismal lives. This movie had a very popular soundtrack.
Last night I watched the Commitments. It was full of Irish sterotypes but entertaining nonetheless.
by sylvy September 24, 2006
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Something women tend to try say they want, but when they commit to you and you are married and have money, they dump you like you're a dumbshit. (See whoring bitches)
That woman tried to make a commitment but only lied to steal my money and house!
by Nitemare January 19, 2003
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Commitment simply means to be commited to the task in hand.
"Wheres the commitment lads?"

"Right I want to see some commitment this time gents"
by Shabba November 24, 2003
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when one thinks they're in love;; but they're only in it for the sex.
by fuckme? June 2, 2009
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Fuck that.

Commitment is like puss. You get a taste, think its okay then BAM! it sucks. Really, Really sucks. Avoid if possible.
Girl: "I love you"
Guy is a fucking speck on the horizon.

Commitment: Yeah right.
by Bizazy September 5, 2007
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