White High School and College Preps/Jocks who are always wearing baseball caps. Often found in groups of four riding around in jeeps.
That sausage party was just a bunch of frat boy cappers.
by moogie January 2, 2005
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Someone that constantly caps. A person with many capping bones in their body and is always at capacity.
Why is B2 the biggest capper in the helmet?
probably because he's cuffed
by cleveland, ohio December 3, 2019
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i'm going to let loose in that capper stall

don't park in that capper spot
by michael foolsley November 20, 2009
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The cherry on top. The insult added to injury. The final, amazing (or awful) finishing detail that caps the entire thing off.
"Here's the capper - I was sleeping with her sister!"
by Q-Who June 19, 2013
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Capper is a person who wont stop talking, or talking to you. The type of man who comes over and says 'speek inglsh preety laydee?' The type of girl who say 'Heather has put onnnnnnnn so muuuuuch weight dont you think, like, whateverrrrrr'. A fool.
David : Look, i can totally do an olly...or is a narlly..or..wait, just look at how much my jeans cost me..girls, over here! I can get really drunk on cheap ass beer aswell. Did I mention im,like, totally stoned right now? I hate the world and write bad poems about how much I want to cut myself. If i use my moms make up i can be cool as sheep aswell....

Hazel: Man, that guy is a total capper

Evelyn : I agree. Lets Laugh.

Hazel: Im up for that. 'Hahahahaha'

Evelyn: 'Hahahaha'
by Hazel November 11, 2004
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to flop your dick out. I made this word up because a famous Aussie footballer Warwick capper went on Celebrity Big Brother (Aussie edition) and flopped his dick out in front of two of the female celebs because and got kicked out of the house as a result.
When going to the toilet, you'd capper and piss.
by bread infection October 23, 2005
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