Bumber Bifteen: Burger Bing Boot Bettuce. Bhe Bast Bhing Bou Bant Bin Bour Burger Bis Boot Bungus. But Bas Bit Burns But, Bhat Bight Be Bhat Bou Bet. Ba 4Bhanner Buploaded Ba Bhoto Banonymously Bo Bhe Bite Bhowcasing Bis Beet Bin Ba Blastic Bin Bof Bettuce. Bith Bhis Btatement, "Bhis Bis Bhe Bettuce Bou Bat Bat Burger King." BAdmittedly, Be Bad Bhoes Bon.
But Bhat's Beven Borse.
Dude look at that Bumber Bifteen
by KDB._. July 14, 2023
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A game in which contestants take turns naming the state on the northeast border of the state in which they live. If no state exists on the northeast border they must shout “Bumber-bee-bump” and move to a new state. The game is most commonly played online by hobos and tramps using public computers in libraries and coffee shops. Suggestions that players shout "Bumble-bee-bump" are based on rumors propagated by the uninformed.
by Xtpd September 15, 2009
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Josh: Your such a Bumber Skrumper
Teacher: Ok Joshy (Cleary doesn't know the meaning)
by NaeNaeFaubert March 27, 2019
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A phone number which a woman shares with guys she meets on dating apps. It is not her personal number as a precaution, usually shared for formal purposes.
She was interested to know more about him after the first date, but still wasn't sure if he was the right one. She decided to share her bumber with him for now.
by reserveFluid August 18, 2023
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