Big Straight Facts-These are facts that are the realest and truest of facts. There is no falsification within these facts.
Jim: Wow. My life kind of sucks right now.
Carey: Thats BSF!!!
by acronymgoddess December 15, 2018
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A friend you have butt sex with. Could be male or female. That is my BSF.
by The real urban December 21, 2017
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bobo, at&t, and deedee are my bsfs!
by urnecksmeller(= June 19, 2008
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A best friend a really good friend,her name has to be kenzi because they are the best best friends ever!
Hey I got a good bsf !who is it ?her name is kenzi!wow I’m not surprised
by Strizak November 23, 2019
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Boston Sports Fan
Someone who cheers for the Patriots, Celtics, Bruins, and Red Sox either by choice or by default (someone who is originally from Boston or has lived in Boston at one point in time).
"You're not watching the Patriots? Just because you're in New York doesn't mean you can abandon your BSF duties."
by Gildey October 25, 2015
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