A legitmut and leegal as a beegle sorta like word riginate'n frum most enny parts wher NASCAReze is spake mostleh.
Et's a na-tur-rul pergression fallern the likes a too fallah, Bring-meh, Brang-meh un Brung-meh!!!
Wey.... that Little Ole' Heifer Sweat Brang-meh seow muuch Guud Feahlin whilst she wuzza melkn theam thar chick'n.
Bouy Hawddy Bob!!!
by Bobby Joe MacReynolds January 2, 2009
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A noise made when a hard object hits a hollow metal pole, usually low-pitched.
As she struck the basketball goal, a brang was produced, causing everyone to look her way.
by GodCube October 3, 2007
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to put a small puffy dog in his carrying case, zip it up, and swing him around as if he were in a mini airplane
1)come here doggie im gonna brang you!!!
2)dude stop branging my dog, its making him sick
by max March 12, 2005
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verb: To brag about "banging some bitch"

A person who brangs a lot is called a "Brangart"
That George is such a brangart. Last night he was branging about that stripper Mercedes that we met.
by therustytrombone1728 September 14, 2010
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One of Lil' B the Based God's catch phrases. It has numerous connotations, one of which would be to perform the act of sexual intercourse with your girlfriend. Based god can fuck any girl he wants because he looks like a combination of Ellen Degeneres, Jesus, and Miley Cyrus. Another connotation would be that Brang dang dang is the sound of Lil B's balls swinging. One can imagine it being whatever it wants
Guy 1 " What are you doin this weekend?"

Guy 2 "Me and Hannah are about to do the brang dang dang all weekend"

Guy 1 "Awww yea!!!"
by bballsnipe March 28, 2011
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Brang is used in English as the past simple form of Bring, except the word isn't accepted in some dictionaries brang and sometimes brung (past form of brang) are widely considered to be non-standard, with the correct form being Brought.

Yet In some dialects, the past tense of the verb “bring” is “brang,” and/or “brung” but in standard English, both varients brang and brung are somewhat common throughout the U.S and Canada, but they are considered out of place formal writing.
He Brang his toy car to school
by Astronomyst June 1, 2022
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