Fun, crazy girl that is funny and always there for you. She gets emotional at times but gets uplifted with her friends. She is a great friend and always smiling.
That girl is so great she must be a Bindi.
by Lula Baxter September 11, 2017
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I can believe that our bindy teacher gave us that assignment over the break next week. What the bindy is wrong with that lady?!
by T. Kendall & E. White October 9, 2010
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To do a Bindi (on someone): either cancel at short notice a meeting or schedule the meeting so that the opposite party travels.
He's done another Bindi on me: I have to come all the way to meet him and he'll cancel at the last minute.
by lludovic February 18, 2013
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A term commonly attributed to asexual, genetic freaks who excel in the fields of mathematics and science. These person(s) do not make legitimate attempts to connect with the opposite sex throughout their lives', and consequently, often commit suicide in their early thirties in order to escape the stressful hell-hole that life has become without steady companionship.
Dude, Bill has become such a Bindi, he used to be so happy...
by Joey Orgler October 21, 2007
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bindi is nerdy ass, geeky ass, self disciplining, porn addicted (more like "directing" aka watching), highly oddball BINDIAN, ridiculous amount of ketchup & mustard mixing, hairy legged, DIRTY TOE NAILS, liquid gulping DE-SI, with 20 lbs heavy book bags whose only commute is from one LIBRARY TO ANOTHER.
I smell some Long island American born confused de-si BINDI,damn he SHOWERED W/ some SOUPY ass overpriced CHICKEN TIKKA !
by GoatLifter April 11, 2008
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A hero of epic proportions, consisting of chicken, bacon, cheese and Russian dressing on Italian bread. Satisfies all cravings and hunger.
Person 1: "Dude, I'm so hungry right now."
Person 2: "Let's get a bindy! They're so good!"
Person 1: "Ugh, yes! They always hit the spot. All that chicken and bacon and cheese just fills me up and makes the best combination."
by JEB1021 August 24, 2014
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