A store that charges roughly the income of a small third world country for a garment made for 13 cents in a sweatshop in Guatemala.

Bought mostly for a large and always prominent moose that makes the wearer feel extra special. Also, tee shirts usually include witticisms that sound eerily pretentious and slutty or just the words ABERCROMBIE where everyone can see them. Sometimes "New York" is written on the said shirts, even though Abercrombie's headquarters are somewhere in Ohio.
Buying jeans at Abercrombie overcompensates for my lack of friends an individuality. My confidence comes from these dirty looks that must be "envious stares" of my overpriced shirt that's already falling apart and tacky pre-ripped jeans that make me look homeless. Pity me.
by Megerz January 13, 2008
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A trendy clothing store with fashionable clothes. Many don't realise how high quality the clothes really are, even if they have holes. Pricy, yet worth the money.
Girl 1: Ooh, look at this sweater from abercrombie!
Girl 2: I like it, maybe I'll get it in another color.
by Moosy/Jessica July 29, 2005
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Prototypical mall store for the middle/upper class WASP and/or preppy. Unfortunately, Abercrombie isn't just a store, but more of a national phenomena now thanks to popularity on TV shows such as Laguna Beach and The Hills. Known as a haven for stuck up, Tanorexics with fake designer bags and huge sunglasses. Abercrombie uses a very effective ad campaign which targets the reality show generation of trendy whores and faux-hawk sporting douchebags.

All of their clothes consist of a "worn" and fake vintage look which makes insecure teens feel like part of the "in" crowd without even having to try. Alternatively, hordes of abercrombie polo-wearing douchebags can be spotted at bars across the nation trying to pick up on anything with a pair of tits by acting in a loud and obnoxious manner. This is usually quite humorous because Abercrombie's ads consist of blatantly homo erotic pornography.

Abercrombie is seen as a drain on our cultural society, because it provides a uniform for what the corporate mainstream deems "cool" and acceptable. Abercrombie wearing people are usually the first to stick their noses up at anyone with even a hint of individuality. Their clothes are often seen as blatant hypocrisy because even though, despite being fairly expensive, they come with a pre-distressed or ripped design, which could be easily duplicated on one's own, or by finding a similar product at a thrift store. In other words, uncreative people need a store to make their clothes "unique" for them.

Abercrombie is often hated on by the Hot Topic crowd, because of culture clashing, but Hot Topic employs the same marketing strategy, only to a different social subculture.

Although Abercrombie clothes are relatively boring, and forgettable, they are not usually of low quality. The disdain for the store has more to do with the preppy, snobbish, suburbanite, slutty, douchebaggedness attitude and lifestyle that goes with them.
Abercrombie is for redbull drinking, BMW driving, Lacrosse playing, Frat boys who are too stupid to stay in college.
by Zexy January 1, 2008
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a store with over priced clothes that all look the same and look as if they were already worn by a person who despised their jeans. the clothing items are covered in moose shit and the store reeks of the nasty abercrombie perfume. the workers tend to be stuck up and racist.
while walking in the mall...

person#1: "i hear music....its kinda 'boom boom boom'...ew! whats that smell?"

person#2 "we just walked by abercrombie "
by iam a man April 24, 2009
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a store. jist like every other fucking store on the planet. who gives a shit wut everyone says if u like it shop there. it jist so happens that a lot of people that shop there have huge ass heads and are very bitchy thats all. but thats not everyone dam people have got to chill and stop hatin.
dude: i went and bought some clothes today at abercrombie
other dude: cool
by joe123456789 April 8, 2006
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a preppy store that degrates women with shirts that say "who needs brains when you've got these!" written over the chest. they also sell thongs to small children in order for them to become teenage sluts as early in their lives as humanly possible. Porno is also used to lure it's customers to buy their catalogs. Congrats on ruining america's youth!
10 year old girl: Omg, so at school i totally bent over right in front of Chad so he could see my new thongs from Abercrombie and he totally purposely rubbed against my butt when he walked past!!!
Other 10 year old girl: Omg no way! I totally wish i could fit in their thongs! To bad they only go out to size M.
by Reedah August 30, 2006
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abercrombie is a store where teens can buy the latest trends. apparently, if everyone hates abercrombie so much, then people who shop there have a sense of style and individuality. oh, and fyi: maybe girls already have boobs, duh. what kind of idiots are you? i shop there, and i've never been called a slut in my life. i'm just saying.
by marmar October 7, 2005
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