the state of being a lazy, tired, retard without a life. Commonly used to describe overly lazy people or horrifyingly retarded people.
"Oh god, I'm so tired, but I'm too lazy to sleep.
"Jeez dude, you're so Chen"
by NewestBreedofPenguin July 29, 2009
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Says he represents Chechnya but lives in Sweden

Fake Chechen
That fighter is not chechen he is a gourmet chen chen
by secretjuice August 8, 2023
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A typical chinese name which is also known as a ''Harvester'' or a ''Farmer'', Also it means ''gold'' in some way which together, it becomes Chinese Chen Farmer, Which means a Chinese person that collets gold.
''Hey look at that chinese guy on the tractor, Whatta Chen Farmer''.
by Ling Chen October 3, 2011
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That one white asian kid who gets voice cracks every second. He is known for having toe fetishes on boys in his grade and a strong yearn to pull out the dick on the school janitor
Will Chen whipped me hard last night
Can I get some head from Will Chen please?
by Anonymous1470 December 23, 2018
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"i just took a burning piss out my chen!"
"...cold hungry chen-hole"
by bad decision inn March 20, 2009
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Slang, Means jap's eye or your bellend. Often used to curse "You f***ing chen", or can be used in confersation "my chen turned unusualy blue last week."
He suffered with a soar chen.
That hit me square in the chen.
by tjtack March 22, 2007
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This name contains "Florida" but it is nothing related to the American state Florida. This name is used by Indonesian girls. People with this name are pretty and smart. Seems like they're absolutely perfect, but not exactly. They have smelly feet but they love to smell their own feet. Rather than working at good companies using their good career, they prefer to work as a prostitute and have a sex with any boys. Many boys, however, never knows their background and just have sex with them.
Joel was travelling to Indonesia last week. She met a pretty girl named Florida Chen. He immediately fell into a love to her and both of them went to a hotel. Every night Joel was in Indonesia, they had sex everyday based on the request of Florida Chen. Joel was wondering why she became a prostitute, so he asked her. He then realised that she graduated from a well-known university and had a high CGPA. He felt so weird and ask her once again. However, this was her reply:

"Joel, what's the point you ask this kind of questions? Is it really a problem I have a sex with boys? I also smell my own feet everyday. I love it. You MUST smell my feet NOW, or else you cannot go back to your own country. Understand?"

Joel then smell Florida Chen's feet. It was smelly, but he liked it.
by Maggie JT July 14, 2022
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