The Chief can be a real zebra sometimes
by Stitch2002 December 5, 2018
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Zebra is a woman who is free spirited and can not be tamed. They can be the most loving that you will ever meet but if you attemt to put a saddle on them they will run away
So im dating this girl....I really like her but im taking it slow because shes a zebra
by BIGGDAD September 13, 2009
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a referee(from the striped shirt worn by referees on the field)
That Zebra thinks he sees everything.
by Light Joker October 4, 2005
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Zebras apparently live in the jungle according to "Darwin" Darya Juan Diego.
"Zebras are stripped and live with mowgli"
by skull emoji April 21, 2022
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THE most legit animal on planet Earth, Mars, and Jupiter.
Holy shit, did you see that zebra? Hella legit!
by babbbbaay13 January 5, 2010
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When a chick was fat, she slims down
Leaving Stretch marks... reminding of Zebras stripes
That Girl is a Zebra...
by Kriix April 16, 2009
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When a ugly looking person attempts to make themselves look better by taking pictures with groups of good looking people .
"He followed me on tinder but I can't figure out which person he is, he's totally zebraing!"
by AyyMagz May 20, 2014
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