a hot chick that is so repeled by men (lesbian) you take the man out of woman because she is never around them. pronounced woe.
Joe "woh dude that chick at that college house was HOT"
Bob "dude she was but she was a wo, you'll never get one, no one ever has I know of"
by hoosierfan4evr5 November 6, 2007
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An ambulance, fire truck, police car, or other emergency vehicle equipped with sirens and flashing lights. Derived from the siren sounds, onomatopoeia.
I hear a wo-wo coming!
by Guy Weldo May 12, 2004
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wo= a term that used to exclude extensive details conversation that usually involves a third party who is not at present.
The only thing i can remember hearing was alot of wo wo about nothing . but i said," that nothing was that serious.
by tony March 18, 2005
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Brooks is taller than 6 feet and can’t dunk? What a wos.
by Jp383 March 19, 2022
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you dumbass it women why did you type wo i swear you need to die
its wom
no its wome
dumbasses it women
by YAY_fucktheinternet November 16, 2020
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It’s wow without the second w, work without rk, and worry without rry.
Hey, did you just see that wo, Jacob?
by woguy April 20, 2021
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