A legendary wing suit parachute that took a long time to release.
"I love to fly my Kraken'
"I can't wait until the Kraken is released so I can fly it!"
by WingSuitChute July 24, 2019
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The area of a womens genitalia that has seen to many penis's in the same night
Your chilling with a girl and she sits on every guys lap within 15mins, yea shes kraken
by Cool Dood October 24, 2012
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A creature which used to be a female but after many sexual encounters her vagina has mutated into a tentacled beast. This can be caused through mutation of STD's or through overuse of vagina.
The kraken has swallowed many sea men.

she is patient zero for chlmydia, what a kraken.
by VLRbossman September 30, 2011
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a huge killer dragon beast that lives in the sea, possibly Godzilla's father. according to folklore the kraken was originally someones pet gecko and that person angered the God's by peeing in the village fountain, so Zeus made his pet gecko grow to around 60 metres high and ordered it to kill him. alternate sources say it got trapped in a greenhouse. starred in the film "Clash Of The Titans".
The Kraken: "WRAAAARGH!"
Perseus: "leave me alone you big spastic lizard!"
*Perseus stabs the Kraken in the eye*
by failure33object April 26, 2005
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I showed everyone my penis. One guy called it a “beached whale”. One girl called it a “fucking sea monster” and another said “it’s a kraken!” So now I wait patiently for the day when someone asks me to “release the kraken” so I can show off my massive dong.
When my girl wants me to love on her, she says: "Release the Kraken", and I take off my belt and drop my pants.
by Primal Deep July 30, 2023
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A kraken is a karen on crack.
It’s much more horrible and loud than your normal karen and it could be very dangerous if you get to close to her.
Girl: be ware theres a kraken!
Boy: where?
Kraken: jakalsijslL
by Tututu September 26, 2020
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A gaming term, primarily used within GarrysMod. It occurs when a series of objects is welded together and one object moves out of place, this object will then frantically swing around until it manages to get back into its original place. The force that this object exerts is incalculable and will kill the player instantly. It also sets off nukes.

Outside of GarrysMod the term is used to describe when an object, usually a ragdoll(dead player or NPC) ends up partially within a wall or floor. The ragdoll will then swing around violently in order to try to escape the wall/floor.

A "crispy" kraken is when, after a kraken has killed you, your body turns into a charple(burned man.)

The kraken is known to appear in almost every game. Examples include: GMOD, Halo 1/2/3, Hitman: Blood Money, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Halo Wars, Toca Touring Car championship...and many more.
"Omg that thing you made is going kraken!"
"LOL that dead guy is krakening."
"OMFG that kraken is going towards the nuke!"
by Phoenix Fighter May 17, 2009
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