when you are out of words to use like bitch and ass, the f bomb is a last resort.
my mom grounded me because i dropped a f bomb
by urbanmster11234 February 8, 2018
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1. a euphenism for the word "fuck". (also known as "effinheimer")
2. (romantic) a euphenism for the word "friend" when used in being dumped.
1. DC was droppin f-bombs all over, yo
2. Her: "I think we should just be friends Jim."
Him: "why you droppin the f-bomb on me BITCH!
by the DAWG May 2, 2004
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Politically correct way to take the thunder out of the word fuck. Only pussies and rich kids say "f bomb."
Brad: I am a too much of a pussy to say "fuck."
Lance: Whoa, dude. Dude, you dropped an f bomb!
by Justin Force July 21, 2004
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A word often used by teachers, old people and conservatives to replace the word "Fuck".
"Oh my god Adrian, you dropped the F-Bomb. Now, I will be biased towards you and always take off a few extra points on your tests."
by cool294nick October 31, 2004
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The "F" relates to the cup size, the "Bombs" refers to what fills the cup size. If you are friends with F Bombs then you are damn lucky. Nothing but good times can be expected when hanging out with F Bombs. If you're aiming for the Trifecta Wow Effect, simply add "Double D" and "EZ-E" to the mix.
EZ-E: "Where's F Bombs?"

Double D: "Dude the last time I saw F Bombs she was getting free shots from the bartender"

EZ-E: "She better have enough for all of us"

Double D: "It's F Bombs, you know she will"

EZ-E: "True..."
by classikjane January 28, 2011
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A colorful fly that resembles an egg. It is used most often to catch stocked trout.
Joe used a red f-bomb to catch all the fish in farm mill pond.
by TheChubLord January 4, 2017
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