An extremly handsome mythical boy that lives in the deep woods of the Southern Ontario crown land. Know for saving women and and children from rabid grizzly bears and his extreme handsomness. Red haired and bearded, wears flannels, and is a massive hunk with a massive penis. Often seen in the dreams of many ladies.
I dream about Abraham alot, so handsome.
by Squirdankey November 25, 2006
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Abraham is the sweetest guy you will ever meet. Incredibly smart, athletic, and easy on the eyes. May not be the best looking guy but he's the nicest. He's surprisingly buff. Nice body. He has it all. Except sexiness. He's still sexy to me because of everything else about him. Listens to all your problems. Not like other guys. Not a player or F-boy. Best friend. Jealous of anyone who dates him!
Boy: Abraham likes a girl!
Girl: Really? He doesn't usually have crushes. I should know, we've been friends for years.

Boy: He likes a girl who's name starts with an M.
by Jennieke December 22, 2017
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If you are born with a strong head, there is nothing you can do and you are classified as an abrahamical
“You see that nigga over there he is just to nasty, he is abrahamical
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(FYI, this doesn’t represent all Abraham’s, this only represents one asshole that goes to my school.)
A very short hypocrite asshole that can’t take a joke. Abraham will treat you like you’re the best and then turn on you over the smallest thing. He bashes you over one sex joke, and then continue to make “ligma” jokes with his friends. Abraham is very unfunny unless you are an absolute dickhead that lost your brain. Despite Abrahams high grades, his lack of smarts will make you contemplate if he even had a brain in the first place. In conclusion, Abraham is a short motherfucker that gets no bitches.
-“Hey, don’t pull an Abraham!”
-“You get no bitches, just like Abraham”
-“Wow, you almost look as ugly as Abraham!”
by Your “beloved” ex June 1, 2022
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Abraham is a polite guy with lots of manners. He can have a temper but is mostly chill. Abraham is usually called “Abe” and is definitely a great friend. Abraham is caring, confident and loving towards others. Abraham is very handsome and dresses very neatly. He is smart and is an amazing person.
Person 1 Hey, that guy looks cool.
Person 2 Yeah, I think that’s Abraham.
Person 1 He looks like an Abraham and dresses very nice.
Person 2 Let’s go hang out with him and be friends.
by Abe802 June 16, 2019
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Girl1: omg who is that?
Girl2: it's an Abraham, beware for he is too good in bed
by SlayDragon69 December 23, 2016
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The hottest boy you'll ever meet. A f boy, but a keeper. He's popular and his curly hair will put you in a trance. He has a good music taste and the best person ever. If you get to date an abraham, treat him right.
by Match makerrrr March 12, 2019
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