Surya is a confident and closed off person who is a expert at what he puts his brain into. A Surya has done something he loved for the majority of his life, he can also beat anyone in that category as he hides his true skills. Surya can be really nice and smart, if you cross him he can become angry and vengeful, and dominate in getting his revenge. Surya is also a brave, smart and cunning person. When the time comes a Surya will show his true power and destroy any threat. If a Surya hates you, never trust a Surya.
"Wow he is a Surya."
by UNknown@IDK April 2, 2022
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Amazing better than you, better than Vivek and any other shitheads like BTS
Surya is better than BTS
by ayo tio ay dios mio June 24, 2021
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A bad person who always bullies people and is very dumb
Oh, Surya that guy is soooooo dumb
by suryaisdumb March 31, 2019
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"Scissor me" says the man. "Oh my god your acting like a surya!"
by bababalcksheep September 21, 2017
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cheap cigarettes yet not everyone could afford.
ay bro, save me half of your surya could ya?
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Jai Surya is a person who is an introvert... Or atleast that's what you think he is.... But once you get to know him.... You'd wish you were never born

He's also cool, awesome, sarcastic, humorous, caring and amazing
by Sarcasmisthename March 14, 2018
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