A boring cunt. An induvidual who is often circulates in right wing circles and is characterised by his or her bald head, avoidance of amusement and is generally regarded as an absolute twat
Al Gore is a real stiff. He sickens me
by ffmmmmfmm September 26, 2005
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A person who always sticks to the rules and never goes out. A stiff never looks out side of the box.
Person 1 : Sorry, I can't go out tonight. I've got to study. Anyway, it's going to be too late.
Person 2 : C'mon, man. Stop being such a stiff!
by FromTheSkies November 29, 2015
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A Stiff, a person that has left this plane of exestance (dead as the cat in the road) the word "stiff"was given due to rigermortis (stiffening of the body and joins) making the body very hard to move
Police officer "send the coriner...we got a stiff"
by Alucard Djin July 12, 2004
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to get conned by someone; cheated out of what you earned/won
I was tryin to hustle for some cash but I got stiffed by some guy when he didnt pay up after he lost in a game of pool.
by the3pit0m3 June 25, 2004
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A religious man who talks about God in the day but a freak in the sheets. (Also known as the energizer bunny! )He is fast as lightening and the hardest working man in America. He is stronger than Bruce Lee and can eat a thanksgiving dinner in less than 40 seconds. He says he doesn’t have time for the hermanas but weekend nights he goes to the strip clubs to preach to the hermanas the Palabra but, will deny it all. Other phrases he uses is also “Te atrapre” “CF01” as well “se acabo” and his phrase most used phrase is “mucho cuidado”
A gentleman is taking 4 hours to choose a wallet and when he finally chooses one you walk by and say “Stiff”
by The hermano March 25, 2019
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A customer, usually at a restaurant or casino, that refuses to tip after being serviced.
I gave that guy top-notch service but made nothing 'cuz he was a total stiff.
by J. Lebowski January 19, 2010
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A form of confrontation in which 2 or more individuals engage in a short struggle or argument, often resulting in awkward moments thereafter.
At the frat party, there was a little stiff in between Joe and Rachelynn after Joe supposedly was flirting with her sister.
by Lake39 January 22, 2017
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