oposite of safe, can asign it to a person meaning he is a loser, or if something goes wrong, or a dislike to something. can be asigned to a group of benders by adding unit.
"this cheese is snorf"
"grr, snorf"
"you are snorf"
"here comes snorf crew"
by T man June 6, 2005
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when giant squids take in prey.

Also appliquable to jellyfish.
Steve was snorfed by the giant squid.
by jawsvsclaws May 3, 2011
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the act in which one inhales smoke through the nostrils like they're snorting it, they then exhale through the mouth. This action gets you FUCKED UP.
When young billy was snorfing the weed; he got totally FUCKED UP.
by Jelliott McOsco November 10, 2007
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Verb. To snore.
My mom's snorfing has really been keeping me up lately

Yeah, my parents' room is right above me and I can hear them snorf through the floor.
by Mozes293 March 5, 2011
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To sniff a spot that someone has just recently had gotten up from. Also, can be used in a noun form. Such as, someone who sniffs a spot that someone has just left from.
Jimmy just snorffed Erica's chair.

Jimmy is such a snorf.
by Smoke-House July 6, 2005
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To make a precise or fine-tuned adjustment perfectly on the first attempt
Looky there, I've Snorfed R16 on the aux card and now the gain adjustment is perfect!
by Squirrel Rubber September 18, 2014
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Someone who sits in one bathtub, farts, and proceeds to eat ones bubbles.
Robert is such a snorf.
by adam January 18, 2005
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