Discussions centered around useless shit, especially when the agenda is to do nothing, or keep yourself from doing something you should be doing.

shortened: "Shoot it."
"What are you guys up to?" "Shooting the shit."

"Hey are you interested in a little shit shooting?"

"Let's shoot it."
by Dylan Sauer April 7, 2005
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1. A word described to hang out or chill with friends or recall times of memories

2. To shit your underwear and hang it on a close line. Grab a shotgun or pistol and KABOOM shoot the shit!

3. Explosive diarrhea in the toilet or on somebody a messy Cleveland steamer.

1. Having a get together for the super bowl come on over and shoot the shit.

2. Get a mental image of a bullet causing exploding poo and urine coming out of a pair of tightey whiteys.

3. I ran to the toilet cause I felt a case of explosive diarrhea coming over me. I did not make it and shot the shit all over her cat.
by ShotTheShit April 6, 2013
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talking without any specific purpose; passing the time with causal conversation
We were just shooting the shit out on the front porch while waiting for Justin to show up.
by Ignotus October 31, 2003
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Akin to 'shooting the breeze'. Passing time doing nothing in particular.
I'm just sitting here, you know, shooting the shit.
by Stuart October 31, 2003
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To conversate with another person about anything.
I was shooting the shit with Bill and found out Jill had the clap!
by Nebula X>>> October 28, 2003
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In the bathroom, you achieve ejaculation as you take a shit at the same time.
Man, last night I was in the bathroom for hours! I had the best shoot and shit of my life.
by XxCrazyBitchxX January 26, 2018
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