A man who, while being hot but not the hottest person, has excessive amounts of sex with women. Often an alcoholic shmoos love the ladies and will bone anything when drunk enough, yes including wildabeast or mountain goats.
Who that guy hitting on all the ladies?
Must be a shmoo.
by PANTHERS March 17, 2005
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Li'l Abner discovered Shmoos when he ventured into the forbidden Valley of the Shmoon, against the frantic protestations of Ol' Man Mose.
by tomoko July 31, 2003
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having more than one of the same fruit
a shmoo of tangerines.
by roflitspaige February 11, 2007
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An imaginary creature that resembles a pink hippopatumus with no front legs and an oblong head.
Look, over there, it's a pink dinosaur, no, it's a hippo, no, it's a SHMOO!!!
by saltyseamonsters October 5, 2004
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The greasy shitty cum juice that is the byproduct of anal sex.Usually found on bedsheets and pillows around the globe,this foul substance can cause vomiting,convulsions,and eventually leads to a repeated act of anal sex.
OMG I HAVE SHMOO ON MY PENIS!!!! Let us vomit and do it AGAIN!! WEEEEEE
by insanochick June 24, 2009
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an interjection used when a situation is only mild in it's effect
Jack: We're late for the movie. Shmoo.
by Sqwerly July 30, 2003
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Another word for male ejaculate.

Derived from the shape and colour of the cartoon character in the late 70's cartoon series of the same name.
When I pulled that condom off I shot a few reams of shmoo across your cat - sorry, I'll get a cloth.
by Edsonic December 29, 2005
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