I blend of 2 words. One being Screw. The other it. Instead of saying "screw it", Scrut can be used.
"Scrut I'm over this ish".
by Tim Pennoyer May 23, 2006
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A scrut is another word for "sandwich" or "butty". It can also be used as part of an insult of the "yo mam" variety.
"I had some bacon scruts last night"

"I had yo mam on bacon scruts last night"
by Jams October 12, 2005
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When something so unlikely to happen actually happens.
It is rumoured that when there is 0.13% chance of an event happening, and that event does happen, then it is an epic scruts.
When Hitler's sister/wife gave birth to a 10 stone whale, they named it Joseph Beton.
All the fans were cheering and shouting, but when they saw how fat the baby was, they were amazed!
Ever since then, that moment has been known as an epic scruts.
by Ploppy Pete October 21, 2010
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'Chundle' means wasting time, not producing anything of value. A 'Scrut' is a small person of suspicious origin.
He's being a real chundle-scrut today, I've just about had it with him.
by Double-Z August 12, 2008
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define someone standing\walking\being on a street
Friend: hey! Do you see Etienne being a de de scrut over there?
You: He is being a de de scrut!
by ...WORDS... November 24, 2020
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a common occurance for most men were by the scruttocks become red and inflamed and very itchy
the itchy sruct rot kept tony up all night scratching his scruttocks red raw.
by Moonstompin ollie January 23, 2004
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Person one: You're gay
Person two: So's your mam on toast
Person one: So's your dad on bacon scruts
Person two: :-(
by Fo' Shizzo November 24, 2004
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