1: A pastry with sausage filling, usually eaten with tomato sauce.

2: A goal in Australian Rules Football.
1: "I'll have a sausage roll with sauce and a Coke."

2: "He gathers, runs, and kicks ... A SAUSAGE ROLL!!!"
by Dazorig March 24, 2003
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a meaty big cock, covered with a sock dripping wet with cum, this can be eaten by others or simply munched on by your friends mum
Son: mum can i have a Sausage Roll,
Mum: fuck off you cunt
by mummysboi123 March 3, 2014
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To wrap human feces inside cling film and hold it to keep yourself warm, also pass it around to those around you who are also cold.
"Hey, my hands are really cold, should i go make a 'Sausage Roll'?"


*Comes back*
"It's so warm."
"Pass the 'Sausage Roll'"
by ZuFeHD January 30, 2012
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When you have an exaggerated foreman from tending to yourself too much or in the rare circumstance of producing an abnormal among of sausage rolls.
Check out that guy over there I don’t think he gets out much, he has massive sausage roll arm. Nah that’s just Alex he makes all the Sausage rolls at the bakery.
by The Ginger Tornado July 31, 2018
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A Wigan sausage roll are known for being used not eaten. Wigan people pull the sausage out and put it in there arse and with the left over pastry they will fuck it with there penis
by Gansha January 17, 2020
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Where you roll your self up tightly in your duvet and enter a claustrophobic panic mode.
I'll never do a sausage roll panic again, I thought I was gonna die.
by Mr sausage king February 2, 2017
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the act on placing one man's foreskin over another man's penis. also known as docking.
brad doonah: wow i really loved sausage rolling with all the boys last night
by yoyo6969 November 7, 2010
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