While not widespread, "to pull a Romney" means to run away from a problem, as illustrated when Mitt Romney literally ran away from a voter attacking him for his policy on the medical use of marijuana.
Guy #1: I turned my phone off because my girlfriend's pissed at me for some reason.
Guy #2: Dude, you know you can't hide from her forever, right? Don't pull a Romney on me, man.
by Bob the Plumber October 16, 2008
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v. To vainly spend vast amounts and change one's position on issues in the hopes of winning an election.

I have no hope of becoming class president so I am going to romney until I've spent all the cash my folks gave me.
by gnostic 1 December 15, 2012
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to defecate in fear, especially while atop a vehicle's cargo rack in a dog crate.
"We were going so fast down the interstate that I couldn't help but romney all over the crate floor!"
by Harliquinnraver January 13, 2012
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The three-and-a-half hour window in which a grown man running for president can change his deeply held conviction to its opposite.
"Oh my god, we've been in this car for two and a half romneys now! I need to pee! Wait, no, I don't."
by H-wizzle the Fiddle March 5, 2012
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A unit of time defined by the minimum number of hours a grown man running for president can take to change his position on an issue (courtesy of Jon Stewart).
We've been in the car for almost two and half fucking Romneys now!
by DailyShowFTW March 3, 2012
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A measure of time, defined as the three and half hour window in which a grown man running for president can change his deeply-held conviction to it's opposite.
Oh my god we've been in this fucking car for two and a half Romneys now! I need to pee! NO I DON'T.
by Bear von Erck March 2, 2012
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Lying with the worst fake smile, so transparent, all but the dumbest of the dumb can see right through it.


Any lie that is so over the top, it makes the absurd seem normal.
#1: Little Timmy was sent home from school today after he told a romney in front of the entire classroom!"

#2: One more Romney and I'm filing for a divorce!

#3: <fake smile that never really goes away>
"I never really wanted to be president. I ran because of my love for the American people, well half of them."
<fake smile that never really goes away>

(the closing tag is intentionally not a closing tag)
by xrew December 23, 2012
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