Five friends sit in a circle with a handle of vodka or similar hard alcohol. The song "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash is cued up to play. As the song plays, the bottle is passed from person to person, each taking huge swigs. The goal is to be finished with the handle by the time the song is over. The song is 2:30.
Oh god... that Ring of Fire last night killed my liver and put a big stain on my carpet.
by Nathan Kosonov January 25, 2008
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When you are having anal sex with a girl that has an Angry Clown
by Crissman May 23, 2008
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when a male wearing light colored boxers, or briefs, has sex with his penis protruding through the hole of his undergarments with a female who is currently menstruating. the result of such an act leaves a "ring of fire" around the opening of the underwear.

A.K.A. the June Carter Cash
June didn't tell Johnny that she was on her period, so he left with a healthy ring of fire.
by mike hunt 1234 May 22, 2009
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When the man places a cock ring in the ass of a girl to holding her anus open and then pours tobasco sauce inside. He then removes the ring closing the ass allowing the tobasco to sit and burn and dips his penis into her anus creating the infamous ring of fire.
My girlfriend cried after we did the Ring Of Fire on my birthday.
by TheMightyTutwa May 3, 2021
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A ring of fire is typically A shit that burns your asswhole as it comes out. It is a usual occurrence for western people after the consuming of spicy food. The ring of fire is a shit that is 100 degrees celcius ( give or take a few degrees). Many say that ' it feels like a carpet burn inside you asswhole'. A ring of fire commonly occurs after eating Taco Bell or going to a traditional Indian restaurant.
The Taco Bell gave me a Ring of fire that consisted for 3 days and and burned my ass
by Dr Shlock ma bum whole August 22, 2017
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A burn on the butthole caused by lighing flatulence, usually with a lighter or match.
Improperly lighting your farts can result in a ring of fire.
by Spazvicious May 26, 2019
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when you have a dank ass fart and it burns your ass hole.
i had fish eye food and it gave me the "ring of fire".

damn those beans really tore up my stomach i think i caught the ring of fire.
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