A team full of white trash, criminals and steroid users that finished 4-12 last year after their super bowl year
Hmmm.. what a surprise, 4 more Oakland Raiders got suspended for steroids!
by Tardy McTard July 17, 2004
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nfl team whose fanbase feels the need to make themselves look like extras from Star Trek. Well, with intelligence like that, theres really not much more you can do but entertain the masses.
al davis makes me laugh like no other
by hallie January 7, 2004
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A sorry-ass football team.
San Francisco: 2; Raiders: 0
by dj gs68 April 28, 2003
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1. The favorite professional football team of illegal aliens and criminals everywhere.
2. A Majoirty of Radiers fans have never even played organized sports at anytime in their lives. These are fans who didn't even play sports in high school because they dropped out or attended "escuela" south of the border. The most unknowledgable sports fans in the world-freakin retard non-jocks!! Want to solve the illegal alien problem--close the gates to during a Raiders game and run an ICE sweep.
I went to a Raiders game two weeks ago and barely heard English being spoken, and talk about thugs, criminals, and drug dealers!! If you quized the fans of every pro football team regarding the rules of football and whether they, as fans, ever played organized football-the Raiders fans would rank at the bottom. I've never seen so many insecure overcompensating males. Read up on Frued's theories on compensatation.
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A team with fans who started liking the Raiders just because they had nice uniforms.

Thanks to Joe, Steve, Jerry, and Ronnie. Fuck the Raiders.
49ers Super Bowl wins: 5
Raiders Super Bowl wins: 3

HA, bitches. And don't think you'll ever win again while old grandpa Al is still around. You'll come close again someday, but you'll never get it again as long as that old Hitler-worshipper is in control.
by #80 December 16, 2004
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a group of people that try to play football but realize they are better at taking hits and steroids then they are AT hitting.
their home games are usually big costume parties,in which only low life fags have,and full of drunk idiots that dont know wheather their team did something good.
a team that gets to the super bowl and looses by over 30 points.
"the raiders loose once again to the san diego chargers"


"what the fuck, the raiders scored?!"


"raider fans, what a bunch of dumbasses"
by ogchargerfan December 2, 2004
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Professional football team based in Oakland, CA
Their fanbase mostly consists of Hispanics. Most of the minorities where I'm from (Denver) are fans of the Raiders even if they aren't from Oakland because they are seen as the "bad boys" of the NFL and they think they have cool team colors.

A team that does not care about character or class.

A team with annoying, bandwagon fans. They don't give a damn about them when they're losing and will make excuses for them but on the rare occasion they win they'll shove it in your face. Even though they'll get their asses handed to them the next game they play

Raiders suck. End of story. Stop acting like they're sooo good.
Even players on that team hate themselves because no other team will touch them with a 10 foot pole
No words can describe how shitty the Raiders are.
by katie was here July 16, 2009
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