a funny little purple alien and a kick ass word
ploopazoidpapapapahhhhh *dont ask!!!*
by kittie666 May 24, 2004
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When you put your butthole up against another butthole and fart back and forth into each other's butts.
It was a chilly autumn evening, but plooping with my sweetheart kept us both warm on the inside.
by ScarDog May 29, 2020
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The lower part of your eyelid.
"Did you shave your ploop today?"
"Ouch that'd hurt."

"Did you know, when your mad you wiggle your ploop?"
by womanizerrrrr101010101 February 24, 2010
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The stuff that is in the bottom of the sink also known as Grime.
After I did the dishes that nasty ass Ploop was at the bottom of the sink
by Dxmen September 3, 2020
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a cry of exclamation used mainly by that one and only crazy cat lady known as "Znj" upon greeting.

(Znj was last spotted at the crime scene of "Big Daddy Gnomey" running away with a large treasure chest filled with items from the Sanrio store in tow and wearing nothing but a sock monkey hat and a suspicious milk carton shaped body. if you've heard of her whereabouts, please notify Target immediately)
there is no need for one, only real dorl woulds not know this definition!!
by rumpshakker3000thatstheticket January 27, 2004
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Ploop is the sound of a cricket ball being dropped from a hight into a large tub of syrup. Just enjoy saying it over and over again, it's magical.
"ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop"
by horse May 6, 2003
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