White guy's way of fitting in when a black guy says "nigger please" - which is when a black guy calls bull shit on you.
Guy 1: Hey you wanna go see a movie on Saturday?

Guy 2: Bitch Please!

Guy 1: Fag
by (-.(-.(-.(-.-).-).-).-) December 18, 2011
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origanally created and spoken by Christopher Crocker(complete homosexual, who wishes they were a girl). When a bitch is in your face you gently say bitch please. If the bitch does not leave then you take it to the next level by by saying ''for your own good bitch please.'' If the bitch still does not leave you yell BITCH PLEASE!
Shanaynay: I stole your man!

Laquisha: Ugh bitch please

Shanaynay: yeah

by Dominque James Turner October 27, 2010
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To disregard something a bitch says in one simple phrase. Bitch please can also be used when a bitch is being bitchy
Example for definition one
bitch:we should go out
you:bitch please

Example for definition two
bitch: you are such a douch
you:bitch please
by swgmaster97 February 8, 2012
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Basically can be used for anything. From casual conversation with your hoes, to telling off some crazy snyp3masta whose all up in your grill. Works wonders. Can also be used as a filler in absent conversation. Can also be used as a response for things you don't want to respond to with an actual answer.
Example 1:
J: haha you're so funny! we're hilarious

Example 2:
E: you really smell bad...and you're kind of super ugly...

Example 3:
J: i'm bored
E: bitch please
J: yeah.

Example 4:
J: did you actually write all that stuff in my honesty box?
E: bitch please.


J: do you think i look ugly today?
E: bitch please.
by DAKRU August 29, 2007
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General statement of acknowledgement, notably as a positive affirmation, or exclamation of delight. Can be upgraded to "Nigger please" if the preceeding event warrants it.
So... the bad news is, the zombie apocalypse is occurring. But on the plus side, I managed to get the chainsaw working so... Bitch please.

Person 1: What we eating tonight?
Person 2: Erm... pizza I think.
Person 1: Bitch please.
Person 3: We got chips too if you want?
Person 1: Nigger please!

(Note how the use of "Nigger please" (an upgraded "bitch please") is also implicit of the positive affirmation; "yes".)
by Gunishment September 12, 2011
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Man1: Man that Chik-Fil-A was good, wish I had another.
Man2: BITCH, PLEASE!!! *tosses another*
by Iamblackyeahdog. December 8, 2009
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