Purple, neon light. Found in most townships. Used to hunt bats in evening sky.
My peon makes hunting for bats so much easier than my bow and arrow.
by The Princesses February 17, 2011
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One who whips out their penis in the middle of a Jay-Z concert and fails to piss into a cylindrical shape, such as a water bottle, thus urinating on eccentric black men in front of them.
Person 1: Dear Christ, Greg just pissed all over that black man.
Person 2: What a Peon!
by jkelly30 August 12, 2010
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Someone who gets blamed for things that aren't really their fault.

To be annoying and silly. i.e 'Christ, you're such a peon. piss off'
'shit. they captured the flag. It was that bloody peon Fred's fault'
by Fredex November 23, 2004
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a word meaning lame or low class
man them kids are some peons!!
by defineA November 30, 2017
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1)a low-level irc user, someone with voice, ops, or anyother form of flag in an irc channel
2)a low-level computer user, someone without root or wheel access
3)A General Peasent
4)as a general "smurf" style word.
1) Sorry, i cant op im only a peon in here
3) Marik
4) "wow! it just got 45 degrees more peon in here since marik joined"
by Pod January 4, 2004
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A little child who isn’t experienced enough or a person who isn’t fully aware of what they’re doing .
These peons don’t know what there doing right now.
by Jay shmula March 2, 2022
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