PTSD is a mental disorder that makes u have flashbacks and nightmares of a terrifying accident.
Erik got PTSD after he tried to make noodle wok.

“Hey Erik , hows the noodle wok going?”
Noodle flashback intensity’s
by September 14, 2020
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pussy that’s so delicious
she got ptsd
by junior0987 March 30, 2022
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Ptsd stands for professional talent at sucking dick it can be used in many different ways
Micheal says i have a PTSD after last night
by DammmKian August 8, 2019
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Post Thanksgiving Super Dump-

When after eating like a pig for the entire Thanksgiving one runs to the toilet to release a thunderous bowl breaking bowel movement
Joe - "Man I gotta make a deposit"
Pat - "You do? I just got done taking care of my PTSD"
Joe- "WTF is PTSD?"
Pat- "Oh man it's a Post Thanksgiving Super Dump... you know PTSD"
by d325gu November 26, 2011
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Post Twilight Stress Disorder

The feeling of anxiety, sadness, and rude awakening that is felt after seeing Eclipse by preteen girls all the way up through suburban housewives. Men are generally considered to be immune to this condition. Victims are unable to accept that Edward Cullen does not exist, and may become violent when someone attempts to reason with them.

Very similar to the Pandora Effect.
Girl walking out of Eclipse: *sniffle* "I can't believe Eclipse is over, I wish I were Bella."

Friend: "It's just a movie, is your life really so boring that you can't just accept that?"

Girl: "I have to go to Washington and find Edward!!!"

Friend: "Shut up you stupid bitch!"

Girl: *sob*

Friend to other Friend: "She totally has PTSD."
by GPKD July 2, 2010
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