p1: hey u give me your cheeseburger
p2: Yo Get Off My Nuts
by DOKUKIRI November 22, 2010
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used when someone is being annoyed
Loser kid-"hey i called you like 12 times last night and you never answered"
Cool kid-"would you get off my nuts already"
by JSanchez February 24, 2008
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I phrase that is said to someone who is sitting on your nuts.
You've been sitting on my nuts for about 2 months now I think it's time for you to get off my nuts.
by NuttyBuddyBoy January 9, 2010
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"Rag the Nuts Off" is a Facebook group, that is dedicated to the Remote Control Hobby encompassing anything that flies.

Check out the Facebook group: Rag the Nuts Off
Possible ways to use or describe "Rag the Nuts Off"
1. Fly it like you stole it / let it rip / give it all you've got
2. Balls ripped, no more nuts
3. Have fun with good guys, discuss rc stuff, share experiences, and fly model planes like a maniac
4. push you & the model to the maximum
5. abusing the wing by the style of piloting and achieve maximum performance
6. In french "à fond la caisse et sans pitié pour le matériel "

Possible uses in a sentence:

1. Are you going to use a 4s battery? That should rag the nuts off of that model!
2. I'm going to fly over to balls deep, and rag the nuts off.
3. I can't wait to get out of work, and go rag the nuts out of my RC models.
4. After I pass farmer's daughter, I'm going to rag the nuts off getting back over to the flight line.
5. This new setup, should rag the nuts off of this model.

So, in short the term Rag the Nuts Off, Is a way of commenting how something extreme is going to be accomplished.
by j buxton December 5, 2016
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When someone is all up in your shit and askin to many questions, so you tell them to get up off my nuts.
Darrel "man, man, when we gonna hang out, when you gonna pay me money, when you gonne give me my coke???!?!?!"

Juan "Get up off my nuts"
by Cerpin Taxt May 28, 2004
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A phrase used to describe something truly amazing. It is also used to denote a good time had.
Mark: Holy shit, did you go the tool concert last night??
Ryan: Hell yeah, that shit was banana splits off the nuts crunchin'


Kerry: Man that party was dootang.
Ambo: Fuck yeah, that mess was Banana splits off the nuts crunchin, dootang!
by mochiko August 20, 2006
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This describes someone who has great oral sex suction.
That Wonda Wonderpig could suck the nuts off a gorilla!
by I, Wreckerrr February 22, 2017
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