The area between the but hole and the ball sack
Hey Danielle, after you've finished tonguing my arse hole give my sweaty munge a lick
by Pergatroy July 18, 2008
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A term of endearment to express affection when cuddling and canoodling with that special someone.
Laying out and hanging out, a couple just look at each other and says “mung mung”… you smile and know it’s all gravy.
by mung mung May 7, 2007
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Andre likes to mung mung 😭🤙💋
by guxen queef October 2, 2022
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Broadly defined as anything that is very disgusting. Originally from the acronym "Mash Until No Good" from the practice of making many changes to a code until it is useless. Made popular from the Saturday Night Live sketch "Wayne's World", it was in the top 5 worst things to get in your halloween bag. It was mentioned again in South Park episode 317, this time more narrowly defined as a substance which comes out of a pregnant woman's vagina when pressure is applied to her stomach. And somehow an urban legend involving corpse fluids has sprung off the term mung, though there is no documentation supporting that this is anything other than a gross-out story.
The fraternity had a story about putting mung in the cookies they fed the freshmen. It was so gross!
by Monkeypirate December 10, 2005
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Its the stuff that comes out when you push on a pregnant womans stomach
I gave that woman a hug and mung came out!
by Trisha F09630 November 14, 2008
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1) Go to a graveyard with four of your buddies
2) Dig up Fresh corpse (female) and have a gang bang.
3) Afterwards, one of them puts there mouth over the vagina.
4) Someone jumps on the stomach, shooting all the cum and maggots and such into the person's mouth. They swallow it.
"I sure did love munging the Thompson's Daughter last week."
by DrunkMage January 23, 2005
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munge The act of consolidating 2 or more mutually exclusive data sets or sections of computer code, circumventing the requirement to write a shit load of complex code.

munged Data that lacks structure making it hard to process. The act of munging may in fact create data of this form.
1. munge the data together that should work.

2. This data is so munged up I am not sure it is of any use to us.

3. Munging this data is the only option that will save this application.
by a1ch3m157 March 28, 2008
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