"Dude whats he one hes talking to a tree?!"
"Mellow Yellow yo!"
by ZZZZZZ! July 12, 2008
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Giving someone a mellow yellow is when you act like you are going to bust a nut on their face, but instead you let forth a flood of urine all over them.
Best used when you have someone that brags about how good they are at giving head.
by theJeremiah July 4, 2005
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when a guy pisses in another guys ass. Then the guy craps it into a bottle then they both drink it.
Eric loves mellow yellow, jason and him had 2 last night.
by anthony cannizzo March 23, 2005
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Mellow Yellow:

A Redneck, "I drank some meller yeller today."
Not a Redneck, "Why would you drink that Satan's piss?"
A Redneck, "Trump told me to."
by seeker792 March 21, 2018
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