uh yeah, it means "chew". that is the literal definition. this isn't a slang word, you morons.
I'd like to masticate the heads off of all the people who make bad submissions to this site.
by Blurforg March 14, 2004
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To grind teeth or chomp.
Most often used as a word that sounds like masturbate but is not.
Person A: "I hate that people who masticate!"
Person B: "Dude, you don't ... you know."
Person A: "Seriously, look it up. It's not what you think."
Person B: "Than what do you call --"
Person A: "Nevermind!"
by Nerd Jackson March 11, 2008
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To chew food- (never try to masticate liquids)
It is impossible to masticate your own wenus!!! (search wenus)
by Jaques Russle December 19, 2004
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Meaning to chew, however people who have never heard this word before will think you said masturbate.
"Dude, I got this food magazine with free samples, wanna masticate?"
"Dude, you're sick in the head."
"Dude, what you don't like eating?"
"Dude, I thought you said masta-"
"Dude, yeah yeah, you'll never change."
by Soiled Undergarment August 17, 2003
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meaning "to chew" as in one's food. Also, the word that dumb asses laugh at in class when they think the professor just said masturbate
"Cows masticate their food."
"I told him to masticate for me, but that dumb ass went and jacked off!"
by MN Farmer October 4, 2006
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Masticate means to eat something. Sounds a lot like mastrubate. Put MASTICATE and WENIS in a sentence together, and it sounds wondermous.
"Do you masticate with your wenis on the table?"
by Tierney September 18, 2007
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1) The act of oral sex with foodstuffs.
2) The act of chewing said foodstuffs after fornication.
Did you know that chewing food is called mastication?

That's like having oral sex with your food man, gross.
by Kiwi Baccano October 16, 2012
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