A crackhead which sells crack for a living
I saw mikel the crackhead he better has my crack you no
by Jordanplays29@gmail.com November 7, 2017
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Someone who is mean, don't care about no one and is disrespectful, but loyal to girls doesn't call girls names and has a girlfriend if she breaks up with him she won't know what she lost and he hates when she talks to others guys because he wants a perfect relation shit she can only talk to family guys,guys that mikell knows and n9 random boys mikell doesn't know
Mikell can be disrespectful,nice,overprotective,full of hare and no feelings
by Tbckell November 28, 2018
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A name given to a newborn whom was made as an accident, hence the misspelling of Michael, Mikels tend to come from a Mexican background and are considered raging homosexuals
1 “Wow, that dude is so gay
2 “I know right, what a Mikel”
by MankDank February 7, 2018
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An ugly ass nibba who is cheating on his gf. Even though he has taken her virginity. Its most likely almost been a year but he'll break her soon
damn he's cheating mia yeah hes such a mikel
by bitch212 October 20, 2019
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A nigga that eat up all your food in the bathroom without u knowing and get girls that are some how bigger than him. Usually a mikel has shit on his nose and don't forget mikels will eat anything that's not green. A mikels jelly roll has a jelly roll that has a jelly roll and so on. Mikels always have an appetite some times in the mood to suck some dick. Mikels are really smooth with big or fat people. Mikels are the reason the Jabari tribe is running out of goat and hippo.
Man he eating a lot he must be a mikel.
by Darell Gay af February 14, 2019
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she is honest, she dont care about your opinions on her, she argues back if its nessasary, democrat
by exiieliaa May 11, 2021
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