A male/female usually a victim of fashion, often sporting a "Fin" haircut and in full on cases of Lotion, with shiny skin as the result of covering themselves in tanning oil hence the derivation of the term.
This bar is full of Lotions.
Lotion bastard.
by Bix September 24, 2003
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Good; commendable; highly worthy of praise
"Look at that basket! Isn't it precious?"

"Yeah, it's lotion."
by B-Phat May 17, 2006
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To ingratiate, to flatter, to butter up in order to achieve an end result, to obtain and maintain friendship or other relationship. To deliberately and possibly insincerely, insinuate oneself into the graces and company of a person or group by using compliments, favours and excess attention.
Jamaican/Caribbean usage common in use in culture, films, dancehall reggae music and daily life.

In the literal sense, this term denotes derision wherein a man who "lotions" another man is actually lubricating him for anal sex. In the usual vernacular however, it simply means kissing ass - a term which has its own similar connotations. The general usage is to state emphatically that "we don't lotion" as in to say the individual refuses to pretend to like someone or a situation.
We don't lotion man. We don't lotion pet nor powder. ~ "No Retreat, No Surrender" by Terror Fabulous
~ "We don't lotion man, woman we powder, we don't powder man"
by thenewbreed July 3, 2019
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To sexually touch and rub lotion in to ones body

Girl:running oil all over and the slowly finger her

Boy; to cover your hand in lotion and give him and slow firm hand job
by Boobs12hd December 12, 2016
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when somebody acts homosexually. i.e. when a male touches another male or implies that he wants to be sexually active with said male.
you're lotion
by russjp October 26, 2010
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A secret word for Marijuana. Primarily used to for talking about weed in situations where it would be considered unacceptable.
Hey whats up man, you got any lotion on you? My skin is dry. I don't but i was about to get some on my lunch break.

Man I'm super lotioned up right now.
by Incosleep July 8, 2019
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