Group of kids who sound like horny 80 year olds on heroin. They "sing" too. See dumbass
Did you hear the new kidz bop CD? It sucked arse.
by deciever February 20, 2003
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a money-making scam that is the end of music itself. It has little kids "singing" popular songs (which these days are shit anyway) with dirty words edited. Musical talent goes out the window. Perfect for totalitarian soccer moms to give their brats a censored, fucked-up excuse for music to listen to. Trash. The death of music. Period.
All Kidz Bop albums suck out the ass big time. They should never have been made.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 29, 2006
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Kidz Bop

Kidz Bop is an annoyance to the world. The only point is the whole Idea of this is just where a bunch of bratty kids who can't sing for crap take a perfectly good song and screw the entire thing up. Who ever came up with this useless and incoherent crap should lose their job. I'm in shock that they came up with a Tenth CD. If you wanna good song listen to the original one. Where the hell did they find these kids? Chuckie Cheeses?
- Hey! Wanna get the new Kidz Bop CD?

- No thanks. I'd rather wipe my ass with that money.
by Joseph. October 7, 2007
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The end of good music as we know it. This "album" is simply a collection of overplayed, overmarketed songs that are either already shitty, or songs that are actually really good but ruined as they are redone by a group of kids that sound like 80-year-olds on Ritalin and helium while shooting up black rain. It's marketed towards soccer moms who think "Oh! If I buy this for my children, they won't have to listen to that awful rock music and Satanic death metal. They can listen to pop songs but are redone by kids for kids! And all the bad words are censored out with giggling so they won't have to hear curse words."
Since 2000, they (those who produce this rubbish) have put out a number of these albums. However, the first one by itself was too much.
Tom: "Hey, did you hear? There's a gazillionth volume of Kidz Bop being released next week."
Hannah (facepalms): "Dear Mother of God, I don't wanna live on this planet anymore.."

Ben Shepherd and Matt Cameron (Soundgarden's dual response to Chuck Norris): "What the hell is Kidz Bop?"
by MlleRCCola February 22, 2012
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A bunch of uninspired little pricks who butcher awesome songs. To tell you the truth, there have been kiddie-versions of all known songs since the turn of the millenium. Trust me; I've been keeping track. But Kidz Bop is most popular. Nonetheless, Kidz Bop needs to die. They butcher great songs for Godsakes!! HOW CAN SOCIETY ACCEPT THAT?!
"At the same time I feel sorry for them singing Linkin Park songs because, well, you know the hidden message to LP's songs, right? *forms imaginary handgun and blows brains out* x_x Oh well it happens all the time."
by Dave November 7, 2004
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Fun to listen to while you're stoned and wank material for pedophiles.
Also used by the goverment to brainwash the masses to advance the hidden agenda to make America into a totalitarian regime,
I swear to God there's subliminal messages in this shit.
Instead of using Christina Aguilera to torture Guantanamo Bay prisioners, they should have used Kidz Bop.
by Faithy November 11, 2006
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A species of sub-human, PCP smoking kids trying to sing that sound like autistic, horny, acid shooting 80 year old faggots having a stroke that likes to ruin good songs and making songs that are already bad sound even worse. It was invented by some soccer mom milf who wanted to make mainstream music more kid-friendly.
Joey: Hey hank, did you hear the new T-Pain song?
Hank: yeah, it was cool, until i heard the Kidz bop remix.

In Kevin Rudolf's "Let it rock" it goes "but it broke his heart so he stuck his middle finger to the world" but the kidz bop version goes "but it broke his heart so he waved his hand to the world."
by Malignant September 5, 2010
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