A hilarious show on CBS. Basically, there's this nasty, old, bitchy women, like the perfect stereotype librarian, called "Judge Judy." She's actually a judge for real court cases, but very minor ones. Idiots who have never heard of the show will be delighted of the idea of being on television, and will not realize that they are about to be humiliated. Such cases include: "She broke my ipod!" "He borrowed my car when he wasn't supposed to!" "He's stalking me!" Often people are just really, really stupid...and fat. Judge Judy will tell them to shut up, the crowd will laugh at them, amongst other things. It's a great show.
Person A: Dude, do you watch Judge Judy?

Person B: WTF is that shit. Fag.

Person A: No, it's fuckin' hilarious, funnier than South Park.
by MrSaturn33 June 17, 2010
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Add a Time CBS judge who's the best female charge there is no matter what the fuck people say
Hey dude did you want to watch that Court show Judge Judy. Of course I do I love her she's a bastard I tell her don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.
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Noun; to behave in a sanctimonious and loud way to affect behavior you deem intolerable; the act of behaving superior in an obnoxious tone of voice.
I pulled a Judge Judy on my dog after he didn't use the newspaper to deficate. He used the newspaper after that verbal thrashing!
by gutterballet79 July 21, 2015
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Q: What's the difference between Judge Judy and a bowling ball?

A: You can eat a bowling ball if you have to!
If forced to choose, 8 out of 10 plaintiffs would rather eat a bowling ball than Judge Judy...
by ron1127 October 14, 2005
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like judge dread cept his mother or sister I forget which ,stuck up Ho when she was little she enjoyed go into a bathroom and locking the door and listening to peoples plea to use it , she enjoyed the power rush
The Cases are real!
The People are real!
The Only thing that isn't are hear damn Teeth!
by person No.7 January 7, 2005
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when you defecate on someones windshield. Followed u pby tapping the head of yer cock on the car's hood simulating a judge bangin their gavel. After that you masturrbate on the windshield or poop.
I needed t od osomething more evil then keying that bitches car for cock blocking me like that, so i gave her the judge judy
by Matt July 27, 2003
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A sexual maneuver accomplished by a man eating applesauce, then blowing it into a woman's anus, then sucking the anus for the applesauce, and then into the woman's vagina.
I pulled quite a Judge Judy on her!
by Flappy March 15, 2005
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