A gamer and a quirked up white boy with a little bit of swagger. He is the sweetest person you could ever have the honour of knowing and is very caring, loving, and kind to the people around him. Hannes is also extremely handsome and cute, so make sure to tell him that when you see him.
0rbita: Hannes is so cool, I really like hanging out with him. I would pay 1 morbillion bucks just to see him.
Pistachio: True. He is really sweet and good looking too. I sure am grateful to have a best friend like Hannes.

0rbita: Oh no! Hannes is going goblin mode! XD
Pistachio: Wow. He fell off.
by pistaachio July 25, 2022
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Someone also referred to as "Ling Ching" or "Hans". A person incredibly incompetent and capable of idiocy far beyond human comprehension.
by Gozuuuu October 16, 2021
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Anybody with this name is an absolute beast that excels in anything that they do. There might also be a small chance that their mothers maiden name is solodovnikov. Aka solo. Aka Hann Solo.
Damn, Hann is looking goooooood.
by Hann solo September 10, 2019
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Hannes (verb) meaning:
1. Anal leakage.

2. A huge bowel movement stuck in your unus.
3. When laughing with diarrhea and you accidentally shit yourself.
4. Uncontrollably farting or having an urgency to have a shit when shocked, stressed or caught cheating.

Hannes a name for a male usually derived from Johannes. Usually a homosexual blue/green eyed sweaty bald guy.

The name of a guy with big hips and nipples like a women. The personification of player. A hannes is most likely always cheating, lying or hiding something.

A pathetic shit stain on the underwear of society. A psychopath, molester and sex addict that loves porn.
Guy1: Do you smell that? What is it.. Is that... Dude did you just hannes!??
Guy2: I'm sorry, but my girlfriend just texted me that she knows you and me got it on last night.

Dude1: Last night I caught Hannes boinking his own cousin
Dude2: That is so sick dude!
by CoolUSAdude May 22, 2013
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Hann is the term given to a sad depressed and dumb bitch
Person #1: Let’s go out!
Person #2: I don’t wanna
Person #1: Ugh, you’re such a Hann
by Pseudobetch July 30, 2020
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Oh look, it's a Hanne sky!
by CreamyPeach November 26, 2021
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