The 21st of January marks the date where all anti furries come together to bully furries. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Furry: Let’s go bully some anti furries
Anti furry: Hold up, it’s anti furry day today
by Cheemsencoded January 21, 2022
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This is a holiday you can celebrate whenever you want and allows you to commit violent acts against furries for the crimes against humanity they have committed.

Person 1: Bro, why are you beating that furry up?
Person 2: I'm partaking in Anti-Furry Day.
Person 1: Seems fair, I'll join.
I hate furries and will commit furry genocide, for I shall decide that every day is Anti-Furry Day from today onward.
by BEANS WITH A Z October 17, 2022
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A joke that started on the internet in December of 2020 from an unknown source which spread its way throughout various websites, such as the one you are reading this on, which was cycled around again in October of 2021.

There is no such real thing as "Become a furry day", and is purely satire being mistaken as a serious thing by delusional individuals.
Person 1: "Hey what are you gonna be making as yourself for Become a furry day?"
Person 2: "When are you going to stop trying to project your own problems onto me?"
by Vuthakral October 12, 2021
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On 11/30/2020 November the 30th. After Hug a furry Day you have to Kiss a furry If you tried to participate In Beat a Furry Day or Hug a Furry Day. You cannot Fight back or Stop them and you Have to also do it yourself
The Furry Kissed you Because it was Kiss A Furry Day
by Xexovania November 28, 2020
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A day during which all who partook in the Beat a Furry Day, must hug all known furries they might meet on that day. It is held on Nov. 28, Dec. 5, and Dec. 25.
Mitch hugged a Furry on December 5th, the second Hug a Furry Day, because he beat a Furry on November 28th.
by SomeRandomFurry245786435787532 November 28, 2022
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Execute a furry day is a day on January 17 where you get to torture and execute a furry in the most inhumane ways possible.
Im celebrating execute a furry day by feeding one of those idiots to a 12 foot saltwater crocodile!
by AndracenJr January 17, 2022
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