An exbantilantly large amount of money for a broke person. Something like Hood Rich.
Damn, did U see how much change he had on the dashboard, had to be at least a Dillion dollars.
by Wazzapnin May 7, 2009
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Its like realizing after an hour of kinky sex, that your partner is blind and of the same gender.
It explains that look that he always has on his face.
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Dillion means to date a ugly transfestite and fist pump her
Dave: what did u do with Ur gf
Jake: I used dillion
by JesusBondedWithMe May 26, 2018
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Its like having your man-hood ripped-off by the shoe-polisher they have in hotel rooms.
This one speaks for itself.
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A generic term used to represent any number.
I made like a Dillion dollars today.
by JC May 16, 2004
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Any "man" straight out of college under 5'6", who has a Napoloen Complex and must constantly deny his homosexuality.
"Mr Dillion, Why are you so short?"

"Mr. Olivera, you now have clean-up!"
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