"A DNB is a chic that just tries to be pretty and be taken care of"; A DNB is an uninspired female that lacks ambition.
by Agent Lowe August 9, 2015
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stuck up broads, ex: bro you don't want her look at her you know when she's old she just wants to be a DNB
by DNB July 31, 2015
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"Damn Near Blind"; not technically blind, but visually challenged enough to be unable to do essential things; usually referring to one's state without one's eyeglasses
Jack: "What's the matter, Ted?" Ted: "Oh, I have to drive to work, I can't find my glasses, and without them I'm DNB!"
by smendler May 24, 2010
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-kick ass abrev for 'Disbelieving Nervous Giggleburst'
serves the purpose of an emoticon IRL and not IRL.
The thought of TLC is making me DNB

Hot guy: "Hi"
You: "DNB"
by tomitomi September 25, 2012
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Dead Nigger Breath

used to describe someone with extremely bad breath incomparable to dead people or black people
dude you've got some bad DNB
by breath detector February 9, 2010
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"I use every muscle in my body. I'm a badass, not a DNB."
by peacenloveee August 1, 2015
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