1. N. A woman whose facial features lack any form of beauty.
2. N. Something to never call your GF.
3. N. What chu call a hoe when she's givin' you attitude!
Pimp 1: That hoe is givin' me attitude!
Pimp 2: Slap dat Cunt Face in da mouth!
by Thedeadhead04 May 17, 2008
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How someone's face looks whilst performing cunnilingus from the receiver's perspective.
I love his cunt face.....
by nanajunior July 1, 2010
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One step up from resting bitch face.

Resting bitch face is usually an inaccurate representation of a woman's demeanor and mood. Many women who have a resting bitch face are actually nice and in a good mood.

This is not so with a resting cunt face. This is the visage of a heinous woman. A woman with a resting cunt face is a woman, who, without any doubt, is indeed, a cunt. You can see the malice in her eyes, and the scorn in her lips. Her pores permeate jealousy and spite and you just know, with complete certainty, that this woman is a nasty piece of work.
Ann Coulter has a resting cunt face. I just want to punch her.
by Princess Amy's Peasant January 31, 2018
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Used to describe a person whose face looks like a rather large vagina.
"hey give me that peanut butter sandwich you massive cunt face."

"Shutup you massive cunt face."
by Doctor Goonstein September 14, 2011
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Stupid bitch with no consideraion;
Possible not to even have a reason to hate this person.
Don't talk shit, you cunt-faced whore!
by Elizabizzle May 22, 2006
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A whore who has a face that looks like a cunt.
Used to mock flatmates who cheat at mario kart.
by JohnM August 6, 2005
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More experienced in their art than a normal cunt, cunt faced cunts excel in all things cuntish.
Claire: "I drank so hard the other night, I barfed and pissed my pants"
Niki: "I know, you cunt faced cunt, you did it on my sofa"
by Nik Jeff February 12, 2008
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