the level of ones corruption can be measured by the rate that they can pick up sexual innuendos in everyday life. Finished by loss of virginity
my friends level of corruption is unbelievable, hes teaching me way to much

dude I so totally finished corrupting my girlfriend
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Donald Trump is as corrupt as can be.
by umchope October 4, 2017
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When you click the random button on Urban Dictionary and something horrible comes up.
I was playing corruption, and "Renob" came up.
by TheRealSlimSunny March 18, 2012
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in the state of rebellion ; rebellious (see : Adolf Hitler)
"That corrupt cop started killing innocent people at that gas station, run for it!"

"I talked to a time traveler from 2023. He says Hillary Clinton will be Adolf Hitler 2.0!"
by DefinitionMastermind November 21, 2015
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a thing that messes up my ps2 game file if i restart da game while its savin
today my best game file was corrupted because i pushed da stupid restart button while it waz savin wat will happen next?...
by LmAoWhIsKeRs11 December 17, 2004
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Corrupting - doing something to cause flaws or interuptions during something.
by L S 7 April 29, 2009
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The feeling you get after getting a blow job by a 40 year old man named Rob on a video game. It is said to felt extremely sticky and depressing. Another interpretation is the sore feeling feeling in your bung hole after rob shows you whose boss. Corruption's scare away girls. Also the name of a clan on an online game that died because the leader sold his computer for money to pay his neighbor to let his dog suck his penis. Rob refers to robtokill
After Rob gave me that massage just they way I like it, I feel some corruption

"I got a corruption, I'm going to die a virgin."
by vulemax December 13, 2006
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