1) This is a slang word people refer to as WEED.
2) Smokeable herd that gives you the ultimate High With no side affects.
3) This is also the nickname of the coolest peeson to chill with(JOSH DACOSTA)
4)Josh Dacosta A.K.A-Cheeba,CheebaCheebs,Cheebsy Weebsy,and Cheebs.
" Yo, you got any Cheeba?"
" Whats good Cheebs?"
by Cheeba Cheebs January 29, 2008
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Any breed of rabbit.
Wow, look how puffy that Cheeb's tail is!
by Bunny Queen October 29, 2008
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the things that you put in salads that are green and they look like sperms
can i have some cheebs on this salad?
by brianax33 June 28, 2005
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2.the most offensive insult you can think of

you still owe me ten dollars from the time we went to the skatepark, cheeb!

you stupid cheeb

hey cheeb
by blake March 18, 2005
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conjunctive verb, conjunction of words "cheese" and "dweebs". Refers to cheesy dweebs. Also adjective for doinging something dorkesh.
Look David Hassel HOff!! No thanks cheebs, not id rather.
by Craig Richardson October 24, 2003
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A joke-word just as a fun thing to put around places: MSN; Myspace names etc.

Also quite amusing to say!

Came from cheese with a mate of mine saying "Cheese" with a lisp so it came out as "Cheeb" which we found hilarious and it's been famous for us ever since

Fun thing to write on the bottom of hats on the underside and say it :)
Mate: Cheeb.
Us: LOL @ your lisp!!
by Ollie.s May 3, 2007
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a word yuou say when you have nothing else to say
Brittany: Tom, I'm breaking up with you
Tom: cheeb..
by Luke did it January 13, 2008
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