Breanna———> Tough girl who shows no emotion but in the inside she’s a softie and all her friends no it. A girl with a deep secret. Breanna’s are into some freaky shit (kinky). We all love Breanna’s! Breanna’s are beautiful and not that confident, they are rock the sexy short cut!
You go Breanna ;)
With that personality she’s totally a Breanna!”
by Spoiledbrrrrrrrratz13 August 7, 2018
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A beautiful, athletic girl. Often makes friends easily and is very polite.
Guy1: So who do you think the hottest girl at school is?
Guy2: Dude, Breanna, she is amazing.
by Tha Pimp in GA March 9, 2009
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A girl who always is taking care of others and then forgets about herself when she's the one who need the help the most. Very caring, athletic and easy to talk to. Will always do anything for anyone and make sure everyone else is happy. Usally has depression or anxiety is claustrophobic and takes panick attacks .
by _________chloe November 25, 2017
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An amazingly beautiful girl and is most likely a Virgo and loves to play sports. Most likely a tomboy but loves her mom but she is a daddy's girl and is a fighter if needed to be not only for what she believes but to protect not only her but her family.
Man, that breanna is a fighter
by breanna.wymer0902@clips. Colu. December 4, 2016
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A beautiful girl that loves the color black and is short and weird she is also polite but mostly crazy
by Its_too_lit_thoo October 26, 2016
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a very pretty girl who is popular and all the boys love her and all the girls hate her she a great person but never test her since of humor
breanna you are a very popular girl
by keke breales March 23, 2017
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A really sexy girl, she's charming.She's also a real heartbreaker.Breanna has an amazing voice. She usually get's who she wants when she wants. She's blessed with a beautiful face . She's crazy and down for anything. She really out going. Her lips are soft and her hair is really pretty. She's a dream girl that any guy would be lucky to have.Really heartbroken and any guy to date Breanna is lucky. Any guy to lose her is really missing out.
Breanna tan singing
by brebrebre111 July 20, 2011
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