Comes from the "Weekend at Bernie's" movies where a couple of idiots drag their dead boss all over the place and convince people that he's alive.
"Oh yeah! This party is off the chain!"
"Shut up bitch. It's bernie, and I'm gonna be swayze."

"So how was Ermelinda in the sack last night?"
"Bernie, man. Like a cold, bernie fish."

"So I hear Grandpa Fred's been circling the drain lately. Did he buy the farm yet?"
"Hell yeah dogg, he's bernie. Cancer."
by Nick D October 27, 2003
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A BERNie is a BURNout, a pothead, someone who had a life that was running smoothly till he woke up one day malude
"Check out that Bernie over there"

"Oh that's jay, he used to be cool till he got malude"

"thats a shame"
by d vengeance October 8, 2006
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A word used in poker that means to hide or stash away.
Don't bernie your chips!
by ChipWinner February 5, 2010
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A person who can not keep his phone intact for more than a month
Always claims he will keep the next phone intact
by Simisimidimi May 2, 2019
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A sacred rhythmic dance that involves tilting your head back like a nose bleed coming through. While performing this dance, if it isn't about money, then it most likely won't concern you.
In my space time I enjoy playing checkers, writing poetry, and Bernieing.
by ConnieBuns March 8, 2011
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The Most Amazing Person In The Whole Entire World! :)
He Doesn't Care What Other People Think About Him :)
He's Really Sweet, Caring and AMAZING! :)
by Taz :D June 29, 2011
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I think bernies really nice

Yeh I love bernie
by SJR251 January 17, 2009
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