Used towards a male: he got a big cock
Used towards a female: she got a big ass
towards male: damn that nigga is hung like a donkey nahmean
towards female: damn look at that girl she got a DONKEY (aka badunkadunk, wagon, booty)
by Anonymous August 28, 2003
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Another word for donkey is ass.A male ass is called a jack.A female is called a jenny.
Omg is that brad marchand?!Yeah, he's such a donkey.
Hey dude!What?What do you get when you cross an ass and a horse?I don't know.A mule.
by M0rg5 April 22, 2020
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A very large fish, especially in relation to other fish of the same species. Not just a bass, the biggest and the baddest bass. It's obstinate, stubborn, and it has a kick like a donkey. When you get one on you'll know it because it will be on like Donkey Kong!
ME: I got a huge redfish! It's unbelievable!
Fishing Buddy: Dude that's a Donkey.
ME: Wha? No way, it's a redfish. It's just huge.
Fishing Buddy: Dude, I'm huge, but that thing is a DONKEY!
by bubba luva July 2, 2019
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A male prostitute, derived from the onomatopoetic fact that he is a "he-whore".
if you walk down to the corner of 3rd and Mission, you'll see a donkey dressed like a mincer just waiting to gobble your gonads for less than a tenner.
by DelicateCargo June 3, 2015
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Slang for ketamine; derives from the misconception that ketamine is a horse tranquiliser.
i wanna get mashed on some donkey.
by muggyoffer January 4, 2011
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a member of the horse family. Donkeys have been used for transportation of supplies, pulling wagons, and, and as riding animals. They may also be used for farm tillage, threshing, raising water, milling etc. Mixing of a male donkey AKA (Jack) and a female horse AKA (jenny) produces a Mule.
by baxstabber January 12, 2010
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verb \dawng-kee\

The act of transporting awkward-sized materials or objects from one location to another. Usually the distance between the two locations is significant.
JayMo: Good Afternoon. I was wondering if you could do me a favor and deliver these new refrigerators to the administration building.

Tilda: Yo, I don't have the time or resources to donkey that shit all the way across town for you. I have a report to prepare.
by BlueSquare77 September 17, 2010
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