- somthing you type/say (What the Fuck) when someone does an impossible stunt, kill, or beat down in a multplayer games (like HALO)
-A flying tank!? WTF?

-WTF man why are you TKing me?

-WTF . . . fucking banchee hores!
by RyoGen June 25, 2004
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1. what the fuck, or fuzz
used in disbelief or surprise

2. will they fuck
used when a couple goes out and the friends left behind are talking about them.

Man"Hey john i got you a dildo!"

Josh and Kate walk away and
Jack says"wtf?"
Mike replies"maybe, josh has a condom"
by flamingicicle April 29, 2009
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wtf- where's the fun.
Example 1:
Dude: there was an insane party last night and you didn't go!!?
Guy: ahhh man, wtf!!!!
Example 2:

Urbandictionary: wtf?
by saxtron January 2, 2011
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New band from williamsburg: Waiting To Fall.
Have you heard the new band, WTF? They are awesome.
by Drew October 17, 2004
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it means wt the fuck (raather rude) n its just used 2 b kl!
wtf r u wearin?
wtf u chattin bout?
wtf u do tht 4?
by Abna July 17, 2005
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When you arrive at a drinking party you ask the host "WTF?" in which case they would lead you to their kitchen and show you all of the alcohol contained in their fridge. WTF=wheres the fridge?
by Janiepooo1985 December 10, 2008
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